CIS Course Descriptions

CIS 1005 – Surviving and Thriving in the E-World
Prerequisite: none

This course emphasizes using the Internet and online resources to collect, understand, evaluate, and validate information relating to basic computer literacy and emerging technologies. Using different search terms and search engines, students will find information that describes computer hardware, software, information systems, Web 2.0, and big data, among other information technology topics. They will prepare brief abstracts and ratings of information gathered. Additionally, students will learn to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to prepare reports and business documents. This course does not serve as a pre-requisite for CIS 2010.

CIS 1010 (CS 1010) –Introduction to Computers
Prerequisite: none

This course is designed for students who wish to use a microcomputer in their academic pursuits and their career. The student will learn how to use a personal computer operating system and an office productivity suite (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, database). This course also reviews the historical, societal, ethical, cyber security and technological aspects of computers.

Note: credit will be granted for only one prefix: CIS or CS.

CIS 1080 (CSS 1080) –The World Wide Web, The Internet and Beyond
Prerequisite: none

This course is for anyone who uses or wants to access the World Wide Web or use the Internet. Students will master a set of basic skills including using electronic mail, logging-in to remote computers, obtaining online documents and software, and using a browser like Netscape to search and explore the World Wide Web for information. Students will also learn the fundamentals of Web page construction.

Note: credit will be granted for only one prefix: CIS or CSS.

CIS 1985 – Introduction to Business Careers Internship

Approved internships introduce the specific field of business as well as provide an opportunity to gain practical, hands-on professional work experience. Students will learn about the profession, explore related career paths, and increase professionalism.

Note: Internship must be approved by the department using the C2 Hub process.

Cross Listed Course(s): ACC 1985, BNK 1985, ECO 1985, FIN 1985, MGT 1985, MKT 1985

CIS 2010 – Foundations of Information Systems
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): Completion of or enrollment in a course that meets the Quantitative Literacy requirement.

This course is an introduction to information systems from a business perspective.  It introduces students to computer hardware and software, use of productivity tools and the Internet to solve business problems, and an introduction to fundamental and functional business information systems.

Note: This course is primarily intended for students with majors in the College of Business. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: CIS or HON.

Cross Listed Course(s): HON 2011

CIS 2110 – Structured Problem Solving in Information Systems
Prerequisite(s): CIS 2010

This is a problem-solving course in which the tools of structured design are used to design computerized solutions to business problems. Techniques of procedural programming languages are used to implement these designs. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of the three logic constructs in procedural languages: sequence, selection, and iteration. Students will be required to develop, test, and debug programs in one or more languages, using a variety of hardware and operating system platforms.

CIS 2300 – Business Statistics

Prerequisite(s): MTH 1320

This is a course in the application of statistical inference and translation of quantitative data into information which can be used in business decision-making. This course will cover the topics of descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions, sampling distributions, point estimates, confidence intervals, and tests of hypotheses, in the context of management decision-making skills needed by industry.

CIS 2500 – Security Essentials

Prerequisite(s): CIS 2010

This course is designed to teach the principles and practices that all computing users need to keep sensitive information secure, both at work and at home. By introducing students to security theory and presenting best practices, the course will show students both the importance of protecting data and the associated techniques. Topics covered include how to secure systems, protecting personal data, organizational resources, securing computer networks, how to handle risks and ethical dilemmas, computer crime, policies and laws, and how to implement safe Internet usage. This course is not intended for CIS and CYB majors.

CIS 3030
Business Web Page Development
Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110

This is a course in business Web page development. Specifically, the student will learn how to plan the development of a Web site, compose Web site specifications, apply coding to the development of any kind of Web site, and find and use development resources. The student will use a leading code-centric text editor to aid in all course Web page development projects. The student will also be introduced to a leading graphical editing tool for supplemental use.

CIS 3050 – Fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Design
Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110

This course covers the basic concepts of an information system and systems analysis tools and techniques necessary to develop requirements for a business information system. Students will concentrate on systems analysis using current methodologies, technologies, and available tools of analysis, as well as an examination of the effect on systems analysis by business drivers such as globalization, security, privacy, ethics, and collaboration. The course will focus on the analysis phase including requirements definition, modeling, feasibility, project planning and management, and documentation.

CIS 3060 – Database Management Systems
Prerequisite: CIS 2110

This course provides an introduction to the design, development, implementation, and manipulation of databases. Students will create information level database designs from a set of user requirements and implement those designs employing a 4GL database tool. Students will also be introduced to distributed database management, concurrency control, data warehousing, and data mining.

CIS 3145 – Business Application Development
Prerequisite: CIS 2110

This course uses a high-demand programming language for the development of object-oriented, event-driven Graphical User Interface (GUI) business applications. Students create stand-alone solutions for business problems and complete a final multi-window application project with database support.

CIS 3220 – Analysis of Hardware, Software and User Interfaces for Microcomputer Platforms
Prerequisite: CIS 2110

The course develops a conceptual understanding of the underlying principles of computer systems hardware, operating systems software and associated use interfaces. These concepts are then applied to the problem of selecting and implementing microcomputer based systems to solve appropriate business problems.

CIS 3230 – Telecommunication Systems and Networking
Prerequisite: CIS 2110

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of telecommunications and networking.  Physical characteristics such as media and signaling are covered, as well as internetworking concepts and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).  The  material is discussed using the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and TCP/IP models as a framework.

CIS 3270 – Advanced Computer Applications for Business
Prerequisite: CIS 2010

This is a software solutions microcomputer course that teaches problem solving at the business operational level using advanced applications of word processing, presentation graphics, electronic spreadsheets, and database management. Hands-on practice with the advanced Microsoft application suite and computer-based examinations are included.

CIS 3280 – LAN and WAN Systems for Business
Prerequisite: CIS 3230

This course presents the technology, architecture, and interconnection of Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. The advantages and disadvantages of each technology will be discussed so that well-informed decisions can be made regarding the design of communication networks.

CIS 3290 – Operating Systems for End Users
Prerequisite: CIS 2010 and CIS 2110

This is an end-user-oriented microcomputer operating systems course which teaches advanced concepts of the most popular operating systems, both networked and stand-alone. The course includes instruction in theory plus hands-on experience with each operating system.

CIS 3300 – Business Analytics I (Descriptive and Predictive)
Prerequisite(s): ENG 1020 or ENG 1021; completion of General Studies requirements in Oral Communication; C- or better in MTH 1320 or MTH 1410; CIS 2010 or CIS 2300; and at least junior standing.

This business analytics course introduces the student to descriptive analytics and predictive analytics. Techniques include the applications of statistical inference and the translation of quantitative data into information that can be used in business decision making. This course covers the topics of frequency distributions, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, sampling distributions, point estimation, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, chi-square analysis, regression analysis, model building, and data mining. A specific statistical package is required.

CIS 3310 – Business Forecasting Methods
Prerequisite: CIS 3300 and junior standing

This course introduces the student to both quantitative and qualitative forecasting techniques used in the public and private sectors. Software packages are used to perform the calculations for the quantitative forecasting techniques. Much emphasis is placed on real-world case problems.

CIS 3320 – Business Analytics II (Prescriptive)
Prerequisite(s): ENG 1020 or ENG 1021; completion of General Studies requirements in Oral Communication; “C-” or better in MTH 1320 or MTH 1410; CIS 3300; and at least junior standing.

This business analytics course introduces the student to prescriptive analytics that can be used in the business decision-making environment. The management science techniques presented and studied include linear programming, project scheduling, inventory models, decision analysis, queuing theory, simulation, and forecasting in the context of managerial decision-making skills. Emphasis is placed on the use of software to solve real-world problems.

CIS 3350 – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Prerequisite(s): CIS 3300 and at least junior standing

This course provides students with a theoretical and practical understanding of data mining concepts and techniques; and hands-on experience in applying these techniques to practical real-word business problems using commercial data mining software. As an applied course, the emphasis is on application and interpretation of various data-mining methods using business cases and data rather than on mastering the theoretical underpinnings of the techniques.

CIS 3360 – Advanced Machine Learning for Business
Prerequisite(s): CIS 3350

The course covers a variety of Machine Learning concepts including advanced algorithms such as Neural Networks (used for deep learning) and Support Vector Machines. It covers the theory, technical background and coding skills required to build, evaluate, optimize and use a model for prediction. The delivery is practice oriented, with several practical assignments and reports where students can put the learnt material to use.

CIS 3460 – Data Warehousing and Mining: The Foundation of Business Intelligence
Prerequisite: (CIS 3060 or ACC 3300) and CIS 3300

This course covers the concepts of data warehousing and data mining, and how they are used to convert data into strategic business information. It discusses the design, architecture, planning, and project management of a data warehouse. Data mining techniques (classification, association, genetic algorithms, machine learning, etc.) are discussed as a way to discover useful relationships among data.

CIS 3490 – Managing Business Information with Enterprise Systems
Prerequisite: CIS 2010

Students gain an understanding of the theoretical and practical issues of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems used within organizations.  The course demonstrates how ERP systems integrate information and organizational processes across functional areas with a unified database, best practices and shared operating tools.  Students will configure a running ERP system (e.g. SAP), execute transactions and produce reports for supporting common business processes and business information management.  Students will be able to evaluate how ERP systems enable firms to operate their business processes effectively and efficiently.  Students also learn to model, assess and improve processes through practical work and by analyzing case studies.

CIS 3500 – Information Systems Security
Prerequisite: CIS 3230

This course covers a broad range of topics in security for networked and internetworked computer systems. It examines security and integrity objectives in terms of high-level policy and presents security services used to address those requirements. Network security architectures are analyzed to insure that critical security functions are protected from unauthorized access and modification. Access control in networked systems is examined.

CIS 3980 – Co-op Education
Prerequisite(s): Major in computer information systems (with 15 credit hours of CIS coursework completed toward the major); junior or senior status; permission of instructor

Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Classroom to Career (C2) Hub

Internship requirements vary by department. For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Classroom to Career (C2) Hub at

Note: Variable Credit

CIS 4030 – Website Administration
Prerequisite: CIS 3030

This course presents the fundamentals of organizing and administering a business Web site with multiple clients. Students will learn how to design effective, business-oriented Web pages. They will be able to give advice to the users, describe how to put Web pages on a server, how to organize the published information, how to plan a business Web site, specify the hardware, choose the daemon, and install and configure a server. In addition, the course will cover the security issues of the internet access, the different protection techniques, how to maintain a site, content and interpretation of the log files, and tools and techniques required to run an effective business site.

CIS 4050 – Systems Analysis and Design
Prerequisite: CIS 3050, CIS 3060, CIS 3145, CIS 3230, CIS 3500 and senior standing

This course focuses on the development of business systems. The emphasis of this course is on the design and prototyping phases of systems development using as a basis the concepts of problem solving, requirements specification, analysis, and programming from the prerequisite courses. Current methodologies and technologies will be evaluated and implemented in the development process. Information systems problems will be analyzed and alternative solutions will be proposed using design models, a solution will be selected, and a prototype will be constructed for that solution. Students will evaluate the system using tests they developed and then propose a plan for implementation, maintenance, and training for the system.

CIS 4060 – Advanced Database Systems
Prerequisite: CIS 3060 and CIS 3145

This course builds upon the design and implementation concepts taught in the introductory database course. The course introduces the student to advanced topics, technologies and emerging trends in the management of modern database systems. The course includes advanced SQL querying procedures and the use of PL/SQL to provide a basis for developing end-user applications. A rapid application tool such as Oracle’s Application Express (APEX) will be used to create porotypes of end-user applications.

CIS 4070 – Application of AI in Business
Prerequisite(s): CIS 3350, CIS 3460
Corequisite(s): CIS 4370

The course focuses on bringing together the topics covered for Business Intelligence majors. The emphasis of the course is developing Machine Learning projects for businesses from start to finish. Students have to identify business questions that need to be answered, link the business problem with strategy, determine which business metrics to use for evaluation, create a Machine Learning pipeline, run a model, evaluate the results and make actionable recommendations based on their findings.

Note: Course Created on June 29, 2023

CIS 4160 – Advanced Programming Seminar
Prerequisite: CIS 3060 and CIS 3145

This course addresses advanced language techniques and their application to Information Systems problems. It discusses the appropriateness of certain languages and programming techniques.

CIS 4260 – Database Administration
Prerequisite: CIS 3060

This course covers the functions and responsibilities of the Database Administrator (DBA) in an organization with an integrated, shared Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The course will focus on the technical requirements of the DBA including enrolling new users, creating the database, backup and recovery of data, security measures, implementing data integrity, and tuning the database.

CIS 4280 – Network Installation and Administration
Prerequisite: CIS 3230

This course presents the knowledge and skills necessary to install the network operating system and to perform competently in the role of a network administrator.

CIS 4281 – Network Installation and Administration with UNIX/Linux
Prerequisite: CIS 3230

This course presents information and skills necessary to begin to perform competently in the role of a network/systems administrator in a Linux/UNIX environment including installation, configuration, and management of the operating system.

CIS 4370 – Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Prerequisite: CIS 3300, CIS 3460, and at least junior standing

This course will cover the concepts of big data and data analytics used to solve business problems. Project management of data analytic activities will be introduced as part of the data analytic life cycle. The analytic life cycle starts with data discovery and preparation, which leads to the analytical methods of categorization, regression, and classification. Finally the results of the analytical steps are operationalized in order to benefit an organization.

CIS 4410 – Management Information Systems
Prerequisite: CIS 2010

This course provides an overview of management information systems, managerial decision making practices and styles, and requisite information needs. International information concepts, the influence of national cultures on decision making, information use, and on various system design approaches are examined. The course addresses the practical aspects of the development of management information systems and decision-support systems.

CIS 4500 – Information Systems Security Tools and Techniques
Prerequisite: CIS 3500 and junior and senior standing

This course covers tools and techniques that allow system administrators to protect organizational resources in a networked environment. It looks at design considerations, organizational policies, and industry best practices in all areas of security, reviews countermeasures to mitigate weaknesses, and introduces tools that can monitor, analyze, and visualize network activities for potential threats.

CIS 4550 – Information Systems Security Management and Information Assurance
Prerequisite: CIS 3500

This course covers the broad fields of enterprise security and privacy, concentrating on the nature of enterprise security requirements by identifying threats to enterprise information technology (IT) systems, access control, and system and product evaluation criteria. Risk management and policy considerations are examined with respect to the complex nature of enterprise security as represented by government guidance and regulations to support information confidentiality, integrity and availability. The course develops the student’s ability to assess enterprise security risks and to formulate recommendations in the areas of data and application protection, access control, policies, and regulation compliance and governance.

CIS 4920 (HCM 4920) – Health Care Information Systems Internship
Minimum of twelve (12) semester hours of upper-division courses from CIS or HCM courses listed in the HCIS Major curriculum, all with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of instructor

This capstone course provides students with the opportunity to integrate and operationalize previously learned health care management and computer information systems knowledge and skills in a field experience specific to the health care information systems discipline. The internship provides an opportunity for students to learn firsthand about working with others in a professional setting. Students complete projects using or working with health care information system applications in a health-related organization.

Internship requirements vary by department. For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Classroom to Career (C2) Hub at

Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: CIS or HCM.

University Requirement(s): Senior Experience
Cross Listed Course(s): HCM 4920